Thursday, April 28, 2011

A meeting with Waiting for the sun

My coworker: Who are these two handsome guys?
Me: My meeting maybe?

My coworker: with who?
Me: Waiting for the sun, they make glasses. I’m meeting them for collaboration.
My coworker: Please make this happen! They’re hot!

No need to say that my coworker is gay and that it happens for every meeting with someone with a bear!

Collaboration with the artist Parra

Data Redux Vintage + /2041

Tell us a little bit about yourself and your background.

Well, W/SÜN is the story of three friends. Antoine Mocquard is Engineer, Alexandre Rabineau is Architect and I, julien Tual, am Silkscreen printer. All started 4 years ago in a pub, we worked hard on this project during 2 years and a half, finding good suppliers, the right designs, making the branding..Then in January 2010 all that became real and we launched Waiting for the sun.

How did you begin to design sunglasses?

It was just for fun when we started this project. None of us is a glasses designer. We love considering W/SÜN is actually more than just a glasses company, we consider it as a lifestyle label. Our main product is Woodies but we also designed jewelry, skateboards, candles…

Why did you choose to work with these materials (wood, concrete)? Design, trends, environment?

First of all, we did not invent wooden sunglasses; we just decided to make woodies for less than 150euros. We love working on materials that people don’t expect, like wood for sunnies, concrete for jewelry or asphalt for candles. And of course, we are modern people and environment is important but we are not ecological activists! When we started this project, wood was not that trendy, it is right now, we just thought it was rad!

Waiting for the sun is also the name of a song from The Doors. Is it what you guys like to listen home?

Yes sure, W/SUN is directly inspired by Jim, our showroom is close to Pere Lachaise too… but the main reason of the name is that when you live in Paris, you actually always wait for the sun!

We do listen to the doors but to many others styles, bands.

Can you quickly describe your apartment?

We are 3 and not living together… but in all our apartments you can find basics design pieces mixed with artworks and soundsystems. Alexandre is into Vintage keyboards and Castelbajac graphics, Antoine don’t want to give me back my Knoll chair and has been recently totally mad of Space Invader, and I just received an artwork I bought in Melbourne early this year from a New Zealand artist.

What do you like to do when you are not designing home?

That really depends, but mostly cooking, watching a football game or a movie, working on other projects, improving our guitar hero skills, repairing bikes. Writing that I just realize we are always working!

Three things you have in your apartment you cannot live without.

Except our friends and girlfriends, I’m pretty sure none of us have three things we can’t live without. When Antoine moved to china 6 years ago, or when I moved to Australia last year we actually did not bring anything.

What book is on your bedside table?

I need to find a bedside table.

In your Ipod?

I also need to find my ipod to answer that. Shit where is it?

Where do you go when your fridge is empty?

To the next Monoprix probably. We try to go to Sunday markets to get good stuff for the week actually… and when we are lazy, Ramona in Belleville is the best restaurant in town!

Any plans of travelling soon? For the weekend?

Always! Back to countryside for a week end, maybe go to Barcelona, Berlin or London… Surfing on the Atlantic Ocean or just playing French boules, clubbing or cocooning…

Thanks to Julien Tual for the Q&A

Waiting for the sun website

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